Many people who have had an injury, illness, or surgery, are usually in need of physical therapy to help them get their body back to functioning properly. After any of these events, the doctor will prescribe visiting a physical therapist to help with regaining flexibility, mobility, or to help with pain relief. The physical therapist will diagnose your specific needs, then devise an exercise plan exclusively for each individual patient. One suggestion that the exercise experts may include is the convenience of doing physical therapy exercises at home. These exercises will be designed to help facilitate movement and relieve pain from injuries or illness.

Benefits of Physical Therapy at Home

The physical therapist will prescribe exercises that are specific to the need of the patient. The movement strategies will help the body grow and change if it needs to in a positive way. An in home physical therapy rehab program will be designed to become an integral part of a daily routine to help restore movement in the body after a specific condition. The exercises will help improve strength and range of motion, balance and flexibility, vertigo and dizziness, mobility function, and exercises for cardio-respiratory. The exercises will help strengthen and stretch the joints and muscles, improve function and mobility, help with the recovery or prevention of injuries related to sports, and help manage arthritis and other age related issues.

Types of In-home Physical Therapy Exercise

These exercises are based on the condition for which they are to restore. There are specific Strengthening exercises for the legs that include straight leg raises from a lying down on the back position, bending the right knee, and raising the left leg toward the ceiling. Other exercises for strengthening the legs include The Bridge, and The Clam-shell. Stretching exercises are also great for improving mobility. These include the hamstring stretch where the patient lies on their back, raise the left leg and clasp the hands around the back of the left thigh, and pull the knee to the chest. They would then straighten the knee until a stretch in the back of the thigh is felt. The Piriformis stretch is another stretching exercise where the patient lies on their back, knees bent, and feet on floor. They cross right ankle over left knee, clasp hands around left thigh, then pull knee toward chest. The stretch should be felt in om right buttocks, thigh, and hips.

Physical therapy is a targeted treatment option that can also treat the body as a whole. Exercise is also beneficial for overall health issues including certain diseases and disorders associated with aging. Exercises for the physical aspect of the body can also help reduce high blood pressure, and blood glucose levels which can also help enhance the healing process from injuries. Exercise is the primary tool used by physical therapists to help patients move and feel better. The doctor will recommend a physical therapist if an injury, illness, or surgery prevents normal body function, mobility, and flexibility.